Back to the Gym

Hi Readers!  So it is still New Year! Right?!  It is! Yey! :) 
What we feel for a particular day depends on how we deal with our day to day lives.
As much as possible, I'm pretty sure we can all agree that we'd want to be positive even with 
occasional work, personal and familial downers.  
My schedule has been pretty crazy lately so that's why I have not been able to write so much on this blog but I promise to catch up! So here's my one of my catch up entries. ;)

At the first week of January, I took it upon myself to go back on my outdoor cardio (eyeing most especially on uphill walking).  I really enjoy going out but then even with a strict schedule, the weather was just not cooperating.  Plus! I realized that it's longer nights shorter days season so it was aggravating on waiting for the sun to come up before I could head out (as you know, a woman walking alone in dark streets isn't exactly ideal).  So when I got invited to go back to the gym, I did not think twice.  

Axis Gym is pretty much well known in Cagayan de Oro.  They just re-opened last year (the old one was brought down by fire).  Tada!  They now have new everything!  :) .  The 3rd floor is the Dance Studio, 4th is where Men's Workouts are and the loft area is where the Women's gym!  It is clean, spacious and does not have air conditioning
because there is natural ventilation.  Think BIG windows ;) 

Just some vanity shots I can't help but post!  Just pretend I'm pretty! Hahaha!

Some of my firming program.  

The rates are below.  Prices may change so it's always best to visit the area so you can check it out yourself!
Just maybe you'll like it and we'd be gym buddies! :)


Set realistic goals when you decide to workout.  Don't expect to lose weight just after a few weeks of training.  Workouts require dedication and focus.  Take mine for example, my program and goal is to have firm muscles and strong abdomens in 6 months.  I know that it requires (and so does losing weight) dedication and focus.  Here's a no-brainer for a fit you-> 90% proper diet, 10% workout. :)


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