
So the last day of January brings forth a DEADLINE. :) It can be any deadline!  It could be work related, a goal you've set or a bill you need to pay.  Deadlines just comes in all forms and sizes.  Mine just is a deadline that is far more personal.

So here I go again,  I'm trying to tell you something without really telling you anything.  And yet, you still find yourself reading, right?  Ha!  The irony of choices.

We can't always stick to the choices we make. It's like fulfilling a promise, and yet when you're compromised, you will more likely break the promise you made, hoping you can just ask for a chance to prove yourself later.

The truth of the matter, however is, much as everyone deserves second chances, not everyone gets the privilege of having a second chance.

When you fall victim to an unfortunate circumstance that you can't meet a deadline, you will need to put up a brave front.  Deadlines are deadlines.

If you are imposed of a deadline, accept and deliver.  If not, let it go and move on.  If you must impose a deadline, be firm and audacious.  If not, rot.


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