A New Home for my Poems

I've been meaning to post my poems on blogger since the day I signed up but I got busy until someone borrowed my notebook (of what I consider as precious scribbles) and ...lost it.  I know it's sad but I had a hand why my notebook of poems that took years and years to compile got lost.  It's not like this never happened before.  I had another compilation many years back and a friend borrowed and yes, also lost it.  Much to my dismay, I will need to rewrite those I remember and for those which I can't put together anymore, I guess there's nothing else to do but let it go and move on.

Some of which are written for friends but most are personal feelings of love, hate, desperation and anger with a few of those written when I was just 12 years old.  My first poem was about my unrequited grade school puppy love who happens to be a friend of mine on Facebook. I'm 26 now and still can remember that jittery feeling when I was forced to read my poem to him in front of the whole class. :p

My writings may not be of any importance to a lot of people but I know better.  Like my love of reading, writing is a therapeutic leisure I can't imagine giving up to unless I'd go blind or my hands can no longer write.  Even if there was a time I stopped writing blogs, I continued to write on my notebooks.  My friends and families know about my mania of writing.  Be it poems, essays and the likes but nobody ever really understood how much it meant to me and I believe most of them still don't (understand).

If there's anything at all that I feel very happy to have inspired is my little sis' love of reading and writing.  I have been able to read some of her entries on her journal (some with permission, most with not! hahaha! she'll kill me when she reads this) and I must say she has some talent (I think that's just me bragging being her sister).

Anyway, I will post my poems in this blog site.  Not for the reason that I want to show off--they're not brilliant literature pieces.  I just want to make sure that this time, my poems will just occupy cyberspace so to not risk losing any of them again. Soon, I will dedicate a separate tab for all my poems. :)


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